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Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport
2799 Richmond Highway, Arlington, VA

Saturday, October 21, 2023
6pm - Midnight

Discounted Hotel Rooms Are Available

(Make a Room Reservation)

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Hosted by James Grayton
Northwest Church Family Network, VP
4G Construction LLC, CEO
King Capitol Group Inc., Broker

Music by Sharon Thomas

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Honorees of the Overcomer Award


A parent is never prepared to hear the words “Your child has been killed.” The pain is unimaginable and most times unbearable. In the midst of trying to cope with the loss of our children, we somehow find the strength to turn our pain into purpose.  We strive daily to keep our children’s legacies alive. We are determined that we will not be defined by the wrong that was done to our children but by the kindness and compassion that radiated from them. The Christian Roberts Foundation wants to keep slain children's legacy alive and honor parents for the strength and endurance that they have exhibited while trying to cope with the loss of their child. The Foundation shares in their pain and wants parents to be assured that they are not alone.  Every day that they wake up and keep pushing for their other loved ones means that they are an “OVERCOMER”.  The parents of the following individuals will be honored with the Overcomer Award at the Gala.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

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